Monday, March 16, 2009

Goofing around

Me and my Aunt Wynell took advantage of the gorgeous weather we had last week. We went to a couple of Filipino restaurant in Waukegan, Illinois. We had lunch twice! We then headed to go shopping and was very tired after. On our way home in the car we took videos of ourselves. Yeah i know not a good idea but we did it anyway, lol. Below is just one of the videos we took. She didn't want me to show any videos of her, so if you know her please DO NOT TELL, lol!

Post Myomectomy Surgery

It has been a while since i last posted. My surgery to remove my fibroid out was done exactly a month ago tomorrow. So far so good. I am back to work, i was a bit sore during the day though. Being on my feet at work was a little bit much but im hoping it will get better as days go by. I stayed at the hospital for 3 days and i was bored as hell, i could not wait to go home. Forgive me, but it's 9 in the evening right now and i'm super tired. I promise i will post more about recovery soon. See you later.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pre- Op

I had my pre-op this morning and everything went well. A few days ago i was a bit worried about my period. My surgery is this Tuesday and i kept hoping for my period to come and be over before my surgery. Thank God it showed its ugly face two days ago! Today at my pre-op they took my blood pressure, listened to my heart and lungs and the doctor checked if i am experiencing any pain. She had me sign the consent and went over things of what to expect after the surgery. I'm suppose to arrive a couple hours before to prep. She said i might have to spend 2-4 days at the hospital. The surgery could take up to 2 hours. Right now i am a bit anxious and scared! Just the thought of getting under the knife is horrifying. I will post again when i get back from surgery when i can.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Wow, it has been a while since the last time i posted! I am finally getting a surgery to get my fibroid out. It will be next month. I have to take 4 weeks off from work even though my RE said that i should take 6 weeks off. Well, i cannot afford that! I still want to have some vacation left to use if ever we wanna go camping or something in the summer.
I had to go in for another MRI at a better hospital because my first MRI showed some abnormality. When i had my appointment with a neurologist he suggested that i showed go in for another MRI at a hospital where they have a better equipment. So i did and thank God my MRI came back normal! My RE said that i should call them right away to schedule an appointment for surgery once i get my result saying that everything was fine. So i did! I cannot wait to have it done. I just want to get it over with. Hopefully we would get pregnant and stay pregnant without any problems.
I found a video on youtube about fibroids. It tells you a little information about fibroids. I hope this will make you understand a little bit about it.