Monday, November 17, 2008

HSG Appointment Today

I'm a little bit nervous in having my appointment today. I've heard that HSG will hurt and its uncomfortable, but i gotta do it! I am also doing more bloodwork today because my prolactin hormone was a little elevated. This time they wanted me to not eat or drink anything before the blood test. My HSG is at 11:30 today and im suppose to arrive 20 minutes early. Good thing my Aunt is coming with me just in case i get bad cramps after.

I almost couldn't go today because of my boss but i told her that i was still going no matter what. I forgot to let HR know about my upcoming appointments. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal as long as i let my boss know, then she could have called HR but i did apologize about it so they finally let me take today off.

I have another appointment this Thursday if ever they get the bloodwork results back before then. If not we will have to reschedule it. I cannot wait to know the results! I just hope nothing else is wrong with my body. The good news is when i had my ultrasound last week, the Doctor said that the fibroid was still the same size and its not too close to the uterus and it will make the surgery easier. I'll try to be back to post my HSG experience. God Bless everyone!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Red Ugly Witch showed up

Yes i know Holloween is over, lol. I called my monthly period the Red Ugly Witch because i hated it everytime she showed up when i was trying to get pregnant, but this month is different. I couldn't wait for her to show her ugly face! Why? If you are following my blog you probably know about my miscarriages. I had 2 of them. They found fibroids as big as tennis ball on my uterus. My doctor refereed me to a RE which we went to see last month. I was hoping to hear about when the surgery would be to remove the fibroids but unfortunately we can't do it right away. According to her its not advisable to get the fibroids removed right after a miscarriage because i would bleed very hard and would lead to hysterectomy, which means "removing my uterus". We don't want that to happen, that would be the end of me. She also doesn't want to think that its just the fibroids that were causing the miscarriages. She wants to make sure that there are no other causes, i didn't have fibroids in my first pregnancy. Now, she wants to do some tests on me, check my thyroid, do an HSG, and some blood draw. I'm supposed to get all this tests done on the 1st or 2nd day of my period that is why i was happy to get my period today!!!!! I called the RE's office today and was scheduled to go in this Wednesday. I thought that will be the 3rd day but they said it doesnt matter so i guess its fine.
I just hope and pray that the only problem are the fibroids and nothing else because we can always get the fibroids removed.

If you want to leave a comment please do so, specially if you are in the similar situation.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Angels in Heaven

I haven't posted in a while. I'm glad that i finally have the effort to do it,lol! Well, this has been a stressful year for me. Me and my hubby have been trying to get pregnant since the beginning of this year. That day finally happened and we were very excited and happy. I saw the heartbeat of my little peanut for the first time and wished my hubby was with me at that moment. I did not have much symptoms except a little sore boobs, that's it. I went for my regular doctor's appointment at 12 weeks and the nurse found no heartbeat. She called the doctor in coz maybe the doppler just not working properly. The doc brought in his ultrasound gadget and he was looking for a heartbeat for about 3 minutes. I still remember the look on his face when he was looking for it. Right there and then i knew something was wrong. I had teh feeling that i lost the baby. They sent us down to the imaging where they have the ultrasound and when we were done we were sent back up at the doc's room. The ultrasound tech did not say if she found a baby or not. My doctor came in and said, " Im so sorry, you've miscarried." I tried not to cry but finally gaved in. I cried. My husband was there with me which was a good thing. The hospital is only a walking distance from the house. We walked back to the house while i was crying. It felt like the longest walk of my life. I was scheduled for a D&C the next day.

Four months later i was pregnant again. I was very happy but my husband didnt look too excited and i cant blame him for that. I hadnt called the doc yet because i had just found out. A week later i had the positive hpt i was spotting. I thought it was only implantation bleeding but i was still very scared. The next morning a very painful cramp woke me up. Right then i knew i was miscarrying again. I got up to go the bathroom and there it was, blood! I went straight back to bed and woke my husband crying and he said, " what's wrong?". I said, "im miscarrying again!". I heard him sigh. He wrapped his arms around me while i was crying and at the same time in pain because i was cramping really bad. I said to him, " we are never gonna have kids!". He said, " yes we will, someday".

I went to see the doctor that day. They check my hormones and it was low. They did an ultrasound and they only found an empty sac. They found fibroids as big as a tennis ball on my uterus. Doctor said it is probably the cause why i was miscarrying. There was not enough blood to supply the embryo. I was somewhat glad to know the cause of the miscarriages i've had. I didnt want to think that it was something i did or my body just cant get pregnant. Im going to have a surgery to get the fibroids removed and i hope after that we wil be able to conceived and have a healthy baby. I pray to God to let that happen. I hope you, my friends, or whoever is reading this right now, will pray for me too. Thank you.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Meteor Garden

I was on Youtube a couples days ago when i thought of looking for that Meteor Garden theme song to put in my friendster account. The song was Ni Yao Di Ai and i found it of course. Then i thought hmmm maybe i should search the episodes all the way from the beginning. Well i did and since then i've been watching it and that's all i did Yesterday. It was a Sunday so i had a reason to be lazy! I do not remember a lot of the MG episode so i was glad i found them on youtube. Ill be watching some more and i will all of it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Working Out

As i have said in my previous post that i was going to start working out more to lose some weight. Well, i went to the gym 4 times last week. Some of the times i saw my husband there because he stopped at the gym to workout after work. I tell him that he is a "gym addict". He has lost 10 lbs and gained some muscles since we started going about two months ago. I told him how come i haven't lost any? So he suggested he would go with me to the gym that night to show me Circuit Training which is basically a series of exercise which you do without resting to keep your heart rate up. So off we go to the gym. I ran on the treadmill for 5 minutes ( which made my throat very dry and had to go pee right after instead of going straight to the next machine lol), next i used the " arm machines" ( i really don't remember what you call them). I used 5 machines, 10 - 20 reps and three circuits meaning i worked with those machines 3 times. When i was done i went on the elliptical for 30 minutes and was done and tired. Below is an article i took off of a website that talks about circuit training for you to really understand what i was talking about.

Circuit training is a great exercise that combines the benefits of lifting with cardio. If you are completely unfamiliar with how circuit training works, here is a brief guide to get you started. I’ll cover most the basics and provide some exercises and tips you can use at home. If you want to really get into circuit training, I found that most local gyms have at least one class.

The reason that circuit training gets its name is because you will do two circuits of each type of exercise. For example, you’ll do one circuit of cardio, before moving immediately into one circuit of strength training. By keeping your heart rate up and not stopping, you’ll be able to get a much better workout and you’ll see results a lot faster. I find that the benefits of a cardio workout and circuit training is one way to get the best of both worlds.

When I was first starting out with circuit training, I found it best to use six exercises for each circuit. Each exercise will have a different time frame, from thirty seconds to more than five minutes. You may need to adjust these times when you are first starting out. As always, before starting your exercises, you might want want to warm up - get the blood flowing. I’ve found that 5 minutes of brisk movement and stretching really helps loosen me up. Your final routine should include stretching to minimize any post workout pain.

With the warm up out of the way, it’s time to look at the techniques. One way to start is with the cardio portion of the training. First, often times, I like to start with some simple squats - using no resistance or weight. I focus on proper form and making sure that I’m not bouncing on the way down or up. I try to do these for about minute. Next, I may jump rope for a minute or move into lunges.

When doing lunges, you still want to focus on using the right form. The knee should never cross the plane of your foot. Hold each lunge for thirty seconds and then switch sides. I then switch from lunging to walking, jogging, or running (depending how Lazy I am currently feeling) for the next five minutes. You’ll want to build up your intensity and then slow it back down at the end of those five minutes.

For my last two exercises in this circuit, I would recommend doing pushups for about a minute. You don’t need to do 100 pushups like I’m trying to do. I then finish off with some jumping jacks. Congratulations - you’ve just completed one circuit!

Your options for circuit two will depend on how experienced you are with strength training. If you’re just starting out, you can repeat the same exercises above, but add a few light weights. The plank is also a great exercise for this circuit as is the back extension. Remember, each circuit should be identical in the amount of time spent.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New friend

Its always nice to meet new friends. Specially when you’re like me that had left a lot of friends back in my own country. When i first came here in the US i longed for my friends and of course my family. Our neighborhood was very quiet specially in the winter. You don’t see anybody outside just chatting and laughing. It was hard. I cried, and cried, and cried some more. I almost told my husband to send me home,lol! Of course i didn’t! I came here because i wanted to be with him so here i was. Anyway, i met a new friend today! Her name is Rica. She was one of my friends in friendster for a while. Come to find out she just live the same town i do! Of course we set up a date to meet and today was the day. We had fun! I picked her up someplace because she doesn’t drive yet. We had some chips and salsa dips at the house and some soda. We also went to the dog park with my dog Marley. Rica met my step-son Zach. We took a bunch of pics. Rica is a very nice young lady and she is very tiny too. Makes me jealous! lol. I will see her again one of this days and i’m looking forward to it!

Shopping for a dress

Don't you think shopping is so much fun?? Specially when you cant find the outfits in your size? When it takes a couple of hours when you finally found the one?? Yeah Right! My husband and myself are invited to a friends wedding and that means i need to find a dress. I never owned a dress ever til yesterday, yup til yesterday! We went to the mall, and take note i went there with my husband! We looked at different stores. First we went to Boston store and i found a couple dresses that i liked, well actually one of them was the one that i liked the most but it was not on sale. .It was for $140 and i didn't want to spend that much on a dress,hehheh. The other dress was on sale for $85, and its a kind of dress that you have to suck your "love handles" in so you wont look like you're pregnant, lol! So after a lot of thinking which one to get i've finally decided to put both of them back to their respective racks,lol.
Off we go to check out JC Penny and guess what? I found the perfect dress!!!! ( at least that's what i think,lol) It's a reddish, burgundy'sh color. It's haltered that's why i loved it. You will see a photo of it below. Then of we go to another store to find a pair of shoes to go with my pretty dress. My husband was very kind to help me and give honest opinions on what looks nice and waht not. Most of the time he was pointing at ugly dresses, he had no idea, hahhaha! So i found my shoes and we were done. Im telling you, we were in that mall for 2 hours!! I was tired and hungry after.
I was a bit frustrated when i was trying all those clothes. You know why?? I;ve gained 20 lbs since i came here in the states!! I need to lose some fats in my shoulders area,hehehe. I need to do some abs workout. The wedding is not til after 2 weeks so now my goal workout at the gym everyday!! Work my butt off! I need to look good in that dress that i bought!! I will keep an update on my blog about my work out so keep checking it. Above is a photo of the dress.